Students who are selected to become part of the OYA (Ozaukee Youth Apprenticeship) program learn career skills and earn high school credit while also earning a paycheck.
Those involved in the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program earn certification at Milwaukee Area Technical College campus in Mequon.
To become certified, students take a five-week course, consisting of classroom lectures, hands-on experience and lab work. This prepares them for the two state exams and allows them to accrue clinical hours.
Senior Jack Weber is employed as a CNA at Lasata Care Center, an assisted living facility. “I’ve had to do some pretty hard things while working, but I’m not the one going through these hardships,” he said. “I feel like I want to help make life a little easier for those who need it.”
In addition to the CNA certification in the Health Care Career Pathway, OYA offers 15 other Career Pathways, including manufacturing, hospitality, finance, law enforcement, education and agriculture.
Senior Andrew Kurten is a bank teller at Port Washington State Bank, where he is pursuing his OYA certification in the Finance Pathway. “It’s a small look into the world of finance,” he said.
Senior Mackenzie Herther earned her OYA certification in the Education & Training Pathway. She is employed as a teacher at a local YMCA. “Working is very entertaining, and it keeps me busy,” she said.

Counselor Tim Labinski helps guide students through the application process. Labinski said, “You might learn how much you don’t want to do something, just as much as what you do love.”
Assistant principal Carolyn McNerney said, “Working in any OYA field allows students to have connections for the future.”
2023 graduate and current UW-Madison sophomore Alice Hu worked for two years as a CNA at Lasata. She said OYA “allows you to get ahead in comparison to your peers.” Hu is pursuing a career in nursing.
Interested sophomores, juniors and seniors can learn more by visiting the OYA website or speaking to McNerney.
OYA applications for the 2025-26 school year are due Feb. 1.