Senior Hailey Roob is a baker, volunteer, world traveler and student.

Roob, who currently works part-time at Amy’s Candy Kitchen, said, “If I could own a successful bakery, I would do it.” She said she draws her inspiration from her mother’s and grandmother’s recipe books. Roob describes her love language to be “gifting baked goods.”
Senior Celia Girsch is one of Roob’s friends who has enjoyed her treats. “Her pumpkin cookies are some of the best I’ve ever tasted,” Girsch said.
Although she would enjoy owning a bakery, Roob’s current plan for the future is to attend University of Minnesota and study kinesiology.
“I’m really close with my grandpa and he has been in PT pretty much my whole life,” Roob said. “Seeing him depend on people made me driven to help others hands on.” Roob is motivated to enter into the medical field by her grandfather, but foresees herself working with pediatric patients.
She has gained sufficient experience working with children through her time volunteering at Cedarburg Safety Town: a program dedicated to teaching youth how to navigate the world around them. “I have always had a drive to help make people happy,” she said.
Roob is also a member of the French club and traveled to France last Spring Break on the school-sponsored trip.
“It was an experience,” she said. “I stayed with a host family for 9 days. There are so many moments that are funny now, but it was stressful then.”
She describes the food as being “much better” than what she eats here. “The pastries were a favorite—fresh baked bread and filled croissants.” Roob also said “carbs didn’t matter” due to the quality of the ingredients in the food.
Her deep love and connection to baking drove her to attempt to recreate the foods she enjoyed while in France. However, she said, “It didn’t turn out well.”