Senior Charlie Furnner is a business owner and entrepreneur.
Earning an estimated average of $750 profit per week, he sells vintage clothes on Depop, a social e-commerce company. Although Furnner believes he has a sixth sense for knowing what customers will buy, he informs “it can be very hit or miss” in terms of sales.
Partnering with 2024 graduate Will Fairchild, Furnner started the business the fall of his junior year. Aside from being a business partner, Furnner said Fairchild was one of the positive influences in his life. He said he appreciates that they help each other and learn together.
Although Furnner’s shop is mainly online with inventory and shipping happening out of his home basement, he has also hosted multiple pop-up shops at skate parks. The biggest pop-up occurred at Fairchild’s house where they accumulated around $4,000 profit.
While the job comes with perks of free clothes and being able to see buyers wearing his brands’ products, it is not without its challenges. From doing homework during his work release, Furnner uses every second of his day since “time is more valuable than anything” to him.
Outside of running his business, Furnner occupies himself with volunteering at Bob’s Under The Bridge, working at a bank, thrifting and skateboarding.
“Chuck’s a good guy, a real inspiring person,” senior David Mai said.
Senior Hailey Roob described Furnner as “nonchalant, easy going, and determined.”
Senior Celia Girsch said Furnner is “a fashionable guy.”