Since the launch of ChatGPT just over a year ago, the use of artificial intelligence in schools has become a discussion point.
According to a report published by ACT earlier this month, approximately half of the high school students surveyed admit to using AI tools, such as the artificial intelligence-enabled chatbot GPT.
English teacher Joseph Gozdowiak had an encounter with one of his students using AI. “It was easy to spot,” he said. “It sounded nothing like the student.” The student then received a zero on the writing assignment and also a disciplinary referral.
English teacher Kyle McGilligan-Bentin agreed. “I can tell by the style of their writing,” he said. “Knowing the student and their writing” is helpful in spotting potential AI, he said.
According to Gozdowiak, using AI is only going to hurt students later on in their education. Instead, he said, students should “seek out the help they need, like a teacher or the Writing Center.”
Students also feel as if this path is not truly going to help them in the long run. “It’s just not helping me improve my writing,” one anonymous student said. “I only use it if I really am struggling.”
English teacher Liz Smith claims she has never had a situation with one of her students using AI. “At least not that I’m aware of,” Smith said.
Although she hasn’t experienced this first hand, Smith claims that students need to consider the consequences of their actions.
“Writing isn’t as hard as it seems,” she said. “It’s really about expressing your ideas.”